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NIOS Sample Questions with Answers English - 302 : Chapter -14 The Road not Taken - Sr. Secondary Courses

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English - 302 : Chapter -14 The Road not Taken - Sr. Secondary Courses

Q. 1 Do you think it was easy for the poet to choose between the two roads? 

Ans: It wasn’t easy for the poet to choose between two roads.

Now, read the first stanza once again: 

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could 

To where it bent in the undergrowth;


Answer the following questions: 

Q. 1. Why does the poet call the wood ‘yellow wood’?

Ans: The poet calls the wood yellow wood” because it was autumn season and leaves on the trees were yellow.

Q. 2. Who is the traveller? Why does he feel sorry?

Ans:  Poet is the traveller. He feels sorry as he can’t go on both the roads. He has to choose one.

Q. 3. Why does the poet look down the road as far as he can see?

Ans: The poet looks down the road as far as he an see because he wants to know what lies ahead. 

Q. 4. Choose the correct option to explain the phrase ‘bent in the undergrowth’.

The phrase means that………….

(i) there were bushes

(ii) one couldn’t see beyond a point

(iii) the road was grassy and full of leaves.

Ans: (ii) one couldn’t see beyond a point.

Let’s read further:

Then took the other, as just as fair, 

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same.


Q. 1. Does the poet take the road that he was looking at in the first stanza?

Ans: No, he takes another road. 

Q. 2. Why does the other road have better claim?

Ans: The other road have better claim as it is grassy and wanted wear i.e. very less number of people go on that road.

Now, read the next stanza:

And both that morning equally lay 

In leaves no step had trodden black,

Oh, I kept the first for another day! 

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.


Q. 1. Pick out the lines which say that both the roads looked similar that morning? 

Ans: “Both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black.”

Q. 2. ‘Way leads on to way’ means-

(i) there are many roads ahead. 

(ii) it is an uphill road.

(iii) one road joins another road ahead. 

Ans: (ii) one road joins another road ahead.

We will read the last stanza of the poem, now.

I shall be this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence: 

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I

I took the one less travelled by, 

And that has made all the difference.


Q. 1. In the first stanza, the poet is talking of the present time when he has to choose one of the two roads. What time is he thinking of in the last stanza? Pick out the words in support of your answer. 

Ans: In the last stanza he is talking about future. “Somewhere ages and ages hence.”

Q. 2. What has made all the difference?

Ans: His decision made all the difference. 

Q. 3. What does ‘that’ refer to?

Ans: That’ refers to his decision to take another road.


Q. 1. What do the two roads stand for in the poem?

Ans: The two roads stand for the choices or decisions one has to make in life.

Q. 2. Does the poem relate to some situations in your life when it was not easy for you to take a decision?

Ans: Students must write their own experiences. e.g. I had an option to choose stream for eleventh class i.e. science, commerce or arts as my career was based on it. I was in a dilemma and looked for all options of future in all subjects. It was very hard for me to choose the subject that time.

Q. 3. You are about to complete school. You now have to decide on a career and accordingly the subjects you have to take in college. How would you take this decision? Here are a few suggestions you might like to consider.

Subject of your interest 

Your aptitude

Your financial position 

Responsibilities at home

Advice of the teacher

Consulting career counsellor 

Surfing the internet

Asking friends or seniors

Keeping these points in mind think of a vocation and the subjects you would choose. Justify your choice. 

Ans: Students have to write at their own e.g. I would go for hotel management, for my career. It has a bright future. It is not only subject of my interest but it also makes one perfect in every field. One through the study of hotel management learns to manage everything in his life. And even for the job, he can apply as manager in every field besides hotels. 

It pays good amount as salary also and if one wants to run his/her own business, then also it helps a lot. Initially before choosing this line I was very puzzled. Then I went to a career counsellor, talked to my parents and teachers and with the help of all these people, today I’m able to choose right option.

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