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NIOS Sample Questions with Answers English - 302 : Chapter -6 My Grandmother's House - Sr. Secondary Courses

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English - 302 : Chapter -6 My Grandmother's House - Sr. Secondary Courses

Q1. ‘Cold like moon’ is a simile. Can you pick out another simile from the poem?

ANS1. 'Cold like moon'. Another simile is 'behind my bedroom door like a brooding dog'. The speaker has the most nicely used similes in the poem such as. "Blood, cold, Loved, My blood turned cold like the moon", to pear through blind eyes of windows, just listen to the frozen air. She had described that she had spent her childhood days with her grandmother at her house. Since her grand-Maa has died, the house has become isolated.

Q2. The poet thinks of her past. How is her present different from the past?

ANS2. The poet thinks of her past. How is her Present different from the Past? The poem is about a photograph in which her mother and her two little cousin sisters were posing. Her present is different from the past as she did not remember her mother because she died when the poet was very little. She remembers her childhood in her grandmother's house when she was loved. She has a deep sense of sorrow in the present because no one loves her now.

Q3. Pick out words from the poem which convey the sense of loss that the poet feels.

ANS3. The expressions are ‘A sort of horror, a sort of protest’, ‘I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act!’, ‘I despised myself’, ‘to expiate’, ‘A pettiness’. The poet feels this way because he feel regret and realizes that he shouldn’t have thrown a log to kill the snake.
That woman died,
my blood turned cold,
frozen air, wild despair,
armful of darkness.

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