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NIOS Sample Questions with Answers English - 302 : Chapter -16 I must know the truth - Sr. Secondary Courses

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English - 302 : Chapter -16 I must know the truth - Sr. Secondary Courses

Q. 1. Who hugged the dancer? (Put a tick mark against the correct answer)

(i) her mother 

(ii) her aunt

(iii) her friend 

(iv) her younger sister

Ans: (i) her younger sister.

Q. 2. Which of these qualities is not important in a dancer? 

(i) a good figure

(ii) fine features

(iii) a fair complexion

(iv) a talent for dancing

Ans: (iii) a fair complexion.

(b) Why did Aradhana think she was not beautiful? Do you agree with her?

Ans: She was not fair.

Q. 3. (a) Who were the people who came to wish Aradhana?

Ans: Her father and her grandfather.

(b) Who was she not particularly keen to meet? Pick out words from the text in support of your answer. 

Ans: Aradhana was not happy to see Aunt Pamela. My sister rolled up her eyes in mock horror to show it.

Q. 4. (a) Why were Aradhana’s family members proud of her?

Ans: Aradhana was selected to inaugurate in her dance the annual show of her school. 

(b) Why did Aradhana’s mother leave the stage?

Ans: She went to bring the gift for Aradhana.

Q. 5. “She is mean, mad and miserable.”

(i) Who was Simmi referring to?

(ii) What was the ‘mean’ thing she had said? 

(iii) Do you agree with Sunita?

Ans: (i) Simmi referred to Pamela.

(ii) She said, “Aradhana was dark, skinny and an adopted child.” 

(iii) Yes, I agree..


Q. 1. What words of Aunt Pamela’s hurt Aradhana the most? (Put a tick mark against the correct answer).

(i) that she, as a baby, was skinny and dark.

(ii) that Aradhana was an adopted child. 

(iii) that Sunita, her sister had made a mistake. 

(iv) that Sunita should have told Aradhana the truth.

Ans: (i) that Aradhana, as a baby, was skinny and dark.

Q. 2. Who according to Aradhana’s grandmother, should tell her truth?

Ans: Aradhana’s mother, Sunita.

Q. 3. How did Aradhana learn the truth?

Ans: Aunt Pamela let out the truth. 

Q. 4. Did it shatter her completely? 

Ans: Yes, she did.

Q. 5. Why did grandmother ask Simmi to fetch her mother?

Ans: Grandmother asked Simmi to fetch her mother to tell the truth to Aradhana.


Q. 1. (a) For how many years had Aradhana been with her adopted parents? 

Ans: She had been living with them for 18 years.

(b) Had they shared her joys and sorrows?

Ans: Yes, they had shared her joys and sorrows for Aradhana for 18 years.

(c) How does Aradhana’s mother. express this? Pick out the words from the text?

Ans: For almost 18 years, I have cared for you. I have laughed with you and I have cried for you. I have given you 18 years of my life.

Q. 2. What gift had Aradhana’s parents got for her? Why did Aradhana’s mother give it to her on the day of the school’s Annual Function? 

Ans: Aradhana’s parents presented her a necklace. They wanted her to wear it on the annual function of her school. It was an expansion of love for her.

Q. 3. Why was Aradhana’s heart broken?

Ans: Aradhana’s aunt told her that she was an adopted child. It broke her heart. 

Q. 4. Nothing has changed today nothing at all.’

(a) Who says this?

(b) What had not changed?

Ans: (a) Aradhana’s mother said this.

(b) Her relationship with the girl had not changed at all. 

Q. 5. What does Aradhana’s mother ask her to do to prove her love for her parents?

Ans: Aradhana’s mother asked her to go on the stage to dance and prove her love towards parents.


Q. 1. Why do you think, Aradhana was late in coming to the stage?

Ans: Aradhana was upset. She was late in deciding to come to the stage.

Q. 2. Did she wear the necklace, her parents had given her ? If so, why do you think she did so? 

Ans: Yes, she wore the necklace. At last, she came to know the truth. 

Q. 3. “She danced for one person only.” Who was this person? Why did she dance only for her?

Ans: Aradhana danced for her mother only she had realised that her mother loved her very much.


The following passage on bees and their ways of identifying their location contains some errors. Find those errors and edit this passage.

What guide the wasp or the bee when it flies home? When young bees fly out for first time, it makes short flights. The bees fly a yard or two, circle around, and then fly one. At last they know all the landmarks around the hive. Each flight is longer then the one before. These flights are not to test their wings but to get to know the country. They find their way home because they have flew over the country and seen it. They know their geography

Ans: What guides the wasp or the bee when it flies home? When young bees fly out for the first time, they make short flights. These flights are not to test their wings but to get to know the country. The bees fly a yard or two, circle around and then fly on. Each flight is longer than the one before. At last they know all the landmarks around the hive. They find their way home because they have flown over the country and seen it. They know its geography.


Q. 1. Who is ‘T’ in the title?

Ans: ‘I’ is Aradhana in the title. 

Q. 2. What is the truth Aradhana wanted to find out? 

Ans: She wanted to know the truth about her parentage.

Q. 3. What did she actually discover?

Ans: Aradhana discovered that Sunita loved her more than a real mother. 

Q. 4. How would you have reacted if you had been in Aradhana’s place? Write briefly.

Ans: If I would have been at Aradhana’s place I would have shocked as I would have come to know the truth. Then definitely I would have realised my parents love and care for me. 

Q. 5. Pick out the words from the box which best describe the people mentioned in column A:

Aradhana a caring person
Her sister (Simmi) wise and loving
Their mother mean and cruel
Their grandmother devoted parent
Aunt Pamela an excellent dancer


Aradhana an excellent dancer 
Her sister (Simmi) wise and loving
Their mother (Sunita) devoted parent 
Their grandmother a caring person
Aunt Pamela mean and cruel

-------------------Vocabulary Enrichment--------------------

Q. 1. There are many words in English which convey the same meanings. Given below are phrasal verbs. Use them in place. of the underlined words.

Phrasal verbs: looked through, looked into, looked after, looked at, looked for. 

(i) The dancer glanced at her Grandmother and smiled.

Ans: Looked at.

(ii) Sunita searched for her daughter in the car park but could not find her. 

Ans: Looked for.

(iii) The grandmother took care of the children while their mother was away. 

Ans: Looked after.

(iv) Last month a committee examined the problem of pollution in our city and made some recommendations.

Ans: Looked into.

(v) She read through her notes before the examination.

Ans: Looked through.

Q. 2. Fill in the blanks by using the. opposite (antonym) of the word underlined in each sentence.


The hall was _____  but the stage was empty.

The hall was full but the stage was  empty.

(i) The dancer was tall and slim but her grandmother was short and _____.

Ans: fair, white.

(ii) Words can _____ but words can also soothe.

Ans: fat.

(iii) The candidates forgot to bring their pens but they _____ to bring their identity cards.

Ans: hurt, remembered.

(iv) The cricketers came to the field early but their umpire was _____.

Ans: late.

(v) There was nothing in the house, _____ had been taken away by the thieves. 

Ans: everything.

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