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NIOS Sample Questions with Answers English - 302 : Chapter -27A Managing the Telephone - Sr. Secondary Courses

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English - 302 : Chapter -27A Managing the Telephone - Sr. Secondary Courses

These tasks should be done in groups of three. Work with your friends. In each ‘group try to choose one person who can speak English better than you to play the role of a teacher. Practice speaking out the dialogues in each case.

(a) Mr. David Horsburg, who has an appointment with Mr. Mehta, the advertising Agent. Pratibha Arts at 3.30 p.m. rings up to cancel the appointment. Mr. Mehta is not at his desk. You are the Receptionist at Pratibha Arts.

Ans :

Recep : Good morning. Pratibha Arts.

David : Good morning. I am David Horsburg. I have an appointment with Mr. Mehta at half-past three this afternoon..

Recxp : Sorry, is it Ashoka Mehta or Vineet Mehta?

David : It’s Mehta, the Advertising Agent. Well. I’d like to cancel the appointment as I have to go ex-Delhi just now.

Recep : I’ll check whether M. Mehta is in or out.

David : That’s very kind of you. 

Recep : Sorry, he isn’t in at the moment Any how, would you like to leave a message to be passed on to him?

(b) The receptionist in Hindustan Times, Delhi Office receives a call from one of its reporters in Hyderabad for the Sub-Editor. It is an urgent call and must be connected. immediately. 


Reep : Hindustan Times, good morning.

Asha : I’m Prem K. Bedi Reporter for H.T Hyderabad. Would you please put me across to Gurcharan Singh. It’s urgent.

Recep : Please hold on (To Gurcharan Singh) Sir, there’s Prem K. Bedi from the Hyderabad Office, desiring to speak to you. She says matter is urgent.

Singh : Thanks, lovely, I’ll take it right away.

Recep : Thank you Sir (To Prem K. Bedi), Please speak on.

(c) An operator in Usha Fans receives a call from a customer who has bought two fans. They are defective and she wants to get them changed. She wants to know the procedure. Give him some information and connect her to the concerned person.


Operator : Good Morning, Usha Fans, Can I help you.

Dr. S. Kumar : Look, it was only yesterday that I bought two Usha Diplomat fans from Begum Bridge and today all the three fans are out of order. 

Operator : I’m sorry to hear this ma’am. But this is the Regional Office while the complaints are dealt with in Sales Unit. Their No. is 515910.

Dr. S. Kumar : Look, this is too much. I tried both the numbers listed on the cash memo but no response is   received, although the bell was going on. 

Operator : Ma’am, I would be happy to note down the details and fax them to the Sales Unit They will approach you presently.

Dr. S. Kumar : Thank you very much that’s nice of you.

II. Using the Telephone Memo format given in the Unit, write out the MESSAGE that you as the Operator/Receptionist, will note down.

Use short forms and cover important details alone. Also decide whether writing a MESSAGE is necessary at all.

Writing E-mails


Q. 1. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) Correct the false statements:

(i) E-mail is no different from older forms of communication.

Ans: False. E-mail is different from other mediums in speed and broadcasting ability.

(ii) With e-mail, the receiver can ask for and get clarifications. 

Ans: (ii) True.

(iii) We must always spend time and effort in correcting the language and style of our e-mail.

Ans: False. It is not always so, except in case of formal e-mails:

(iv) The e-mail always looks well composed and well formatted when it is received.

Ans: False. It depends on system of the recipient.

(v) Since many messages come all at once we must use ways to make our message stand out and be read.

Ans: Ture.

(vi) Reference to previous letter/mail is carried below the subject line:

Ans: False. Subject line is followed by reference.

(vii) Mark all mail” URGENT”, its the surest way of having your message read.

Ans: False. Urgent is used only in case immediate action is required.

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