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NIOS Sample Questions with Answers English - 302 : Chapter -26B Face to face communication in business - Sr. Secondary Courses

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English - 302 : Chapter -26B Face to face communication in business - Sr. Secondary Courses

I. Write ‘T’ against a true statement and ‘F’ against a false one. 

(i) Sharing or exchanging information, ideas and experiences between persons means communication. 

Ans:- True.

(ii) The process of communication may not always contain a message. 

Ans:- False.

(iii) Feedback is one of the elements of the process of communication. 

Ans:- True.

(iv) A traffic police showing a stop sign to the public is the sender of a message in the process of communication. 

Ans:- True.

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words/terms: 

(i) A person who sends a message is known as __________. 

Ans:- Sender.

(ii) Receiver’s response to the message is termed as ________.

Ans:- Feedback.

(iii) A person who receives a message is called as ___________.

Ans:- Receiver.

(iv) Subject matter of communication may contain __________.

Ans:- Facts, ideas, feelings or thoughts.

(v) The feedback of any message is always directed towards _________.

Ans:- Sender.


I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 

(i) Communication with the help of words is known as __________ 

Ans:- Verbal communication.

(ii) Communication through spoken works is known as _________. 

Ans:- Oral communication.

(iii) Communication through the use of various parts of human body is known as _______________.

Ans:- Gestural communication.

(iv) Communication with the help of pictures, symbols, diagrams etc. is known as _______________. 

Ans:- Visual communication.

II. Write ‘V’ to the phrase that illustrates Verbal Communication or ‘NV’ to the phrase that illustrates Non Verbal Communication.

(i) A person reading a letter. 

Ans:- V.

(ii) A teacher looking at a student with anger. 

Ans:- NV.

(iii) Saluting the national flag. 

Ans:- NV.

(iv) Talking to a shopkeeper.

Ans:- V.

(v) Nodding head silently.

Ans:- NV.


I. Match the columns correctly.

Column A Column B
(a) Telegram (i) Receiving and sending mails through internet.
(b) Mobile Phones (ii) Instant transmission of a printed document.
(c) Fax (iii) Short Messaging Service
(d) Voice Mail (iv) Payment according to the number of words used.
(e) E-mail (v) Computer based system of receiving and responding to incoming telephones calls.


Column A Column B
(a) Telegram (iv) Payment according to the number of words used.
(b) Mobile Phones (iii) Short Messaging Service.
(c) Fax (ii) Instant transmission of a printed document.
(d) Voice Mail (v) Computer based system of receiving and responding to incoming telephones calls.
(e) E-mail (i) Receiving and sending mails through the internet.


Multiple Choice Questions

(i) A system of communication in which payment is made according to the number of words used, is called. 

(a) Mobile Phones. 

(b) Telex. 

(c) Telegrams. 

(d) Pager.

Ans:- (c) Telegrams.

(ii) Which of the following is an example of visual communication? 

(a) A person saluting the national flag. 

(b) A person reading a letter. 

(c) A peon ringing a bell in the school.

(d) A traffic policeman showing the stop signal. 

Ans:- (d) A traffic policeman showing the stop signal. 

(iii) Which of the following is not an element of the communication process? 

(a) Sender. 

(b) Receiver. 

(c) Message. 

(d) Feedback to other than a sender.

Ans:- (b) Receiver.

(iv) The Communication with the help of pictures, symbols, diagrams is called as: 

(a) Verbal Communication. 

(b) Oral Communication. 

(c) Visual Communication. 

(d) Written Communication. 

Ans:- (c) Visual Communication.

(v) Which of the following means of Communication is used for short messaging service? 

(a) Fax. 

(b) Telegram. 

(c) Voice Mail. 

(d) E-mail.

Ans:- (b) Telegram.

Terminal Exercise

1.  Define ‘communication’ in about 20 words.

Ans:- A process of sharing facts, ideas, opinions, thoughts and information through speech, writing, gestures or symbols between two or more persons” it is called communication.

2. Name the elements of the communication process.

Ans:- The elements of communication process are as follows:

(i) Sender.

(ii) Receiver.

(iii) Message.

(iv) Feedback.

3. What is meant by Business Communication?

Ans:- Business communication is the process of sharing information between people within the workplace and outside a company.

4. “Letters are the best means of communication”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reason.

Ans:- Yes,I agree with this because this method is mostly used where fact-to-face communication is difficult or other means are not easily available. It helps in keeping a record of the communication. The cost involved is low in this means of communication.

5. Give a short description of Voice Mail in about two sentences.

Ans:- It is a computer-based system for receiving and responding to incoming telephone calls. It records and stores telephone messages through computer memory.

6. Explain the meaning of ‘verbal communication’.

Ans:- Communication with the help of words known as Oral/Verbal communication is made through words spoken. Communication through spoken words is known as oral communication, which may be in the form of lectures, meetings, group discussions, conferences, telephonic conversations, radio messages etc.

7. Give any four points highlighting the importance of communication in business.

Ans:- The four Importance of communication in business are as discussed:

(i) It is used within the firm as a means of controlling its operations, coordinating the activities of departments and employees and motivating personnel. 

(ii) It provides important external links between the firm, its suppliers and customers. 

(iii) Communication helps businesses to operate efficiently, as well as creates a good public image.

(iv) It helps people to know about new discoveries, new techniques, new products etc.

8. “Telephone is a very popular form of oral communication”. Do you agree? Give reasons.

Ans:- Yes, I agree. Now-a-days mobile phones are very popular as they give access to the receiver at any time, anywhere. This is an improvement over the fixed line telephone. It possesses many modern features like Short Messaging Services (SMS), Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS) etc., by using these services written messages can be sent to the receivers.

9. Differentiate between Verbal and Non-Verbal communication.


Verbal communication Non-Verbal communication
Verbal communication is the spoken or written words to express the information.Examples of Verbal communication are Public speaking, Preaching and Lecturing etc. On the other hand, Non – verbal communication is the signs and messages that we communicate using things like body language, gestures, and facial movements.Examples of Non verbal communication are Gestures, Eye contact, Touch etc.

10. Illustrate the communication process with the help of a diagram.


11. Explain the meaning of communication and its process.

Ans:- All these activities of sharing or exchanging information, ideas and experiences between two or more persons are known as communication.

The process of communication are as follow:

Sender – The person who sends the message. Also known as the source. 

Receiver – The person who receives the message.

Message – Subject matter of communication. It may contain facts, ideas, feelings or thoughts. 

Feedback – Receiver’s response or reaction or reply to the message, which is directed towards the sender.

12. State the different types of Non-verbal communication.

Ans:- The different types of Non – verbal communication are as follow:

(i) Facial expressions: Facial expressions can display personal emotions and indicate an individual’s intentions within a social situation and, hence, are extremely important for social interaction.

(ii) Body movement and posture: Body movements can be used to reinforce or emphasise what a person is saying and also offer information about the emotions and attitudes of a person.

(iii) Gestures: Gesture is non verbal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of, or in conjunction with, speech. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body.

(iv) Eye contact: Eye contact is an especially important type of nonverbal communication. The way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction.

(v) Touch: Communication through touch is a form of physical contact that expresses feelings or emotion. Often, touch is used to show that you care or to help someone by directing them.

(vi) Space: When we discuss space in a nonverbal context, we mean the space between objects and people. Space is often associated with social rank and is an important part of business communication. 

(vii) Voice: Vocal communication that is separate from actual language. This form of nonverbal communication includes factors such as tone of voice, loudness, inflection, and pitch.

13. “E-mail is the fastest method of transmitting written messages”. Explain.

Ans:- Email allows fast messaging to anyone, anytime, anywhere. It’s quick and efficient.The information is communicated audio visually and the process is extremely fast. This method is gaining popularity with increased use of the internet among the users. A person can use any language of his or her choice. It is a cheaper form of communication. Email helps to contact or send information to a large group of people. It provides a written record of the communication. 

14. You are an exporter and you want to mail an exact copy of a quotation to an importer in the USA. Which means of communication would you use and why?

Ans:- Fax: Fax or facsimile is an electronic device that enables instant transmission of any matter, which may be handwritten or printed like letters, diagrams, graphs, sketches, etc.The main advantages of Fax system are easy operation, instant transmission of handwritten or printed matters, over any distance Telephone machine also records each transaction of communication. 

E- Mail: Electronic mail, popularly known as e-mail is a modern means of communication. The system makes use of electronic methods of transmitting and receiving information. In this case individuals, through the internet, open an E -mail account in their name from any ISP (Internet Service Provider).The information is communicated audio visually and the process is extremely fast. This method is gaining popularity with increased use of the internet among the users.

When deciding which means of communication to use. It is always a good idea to confirm with the importer beforehand to ensure you choose the most suitable method.

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