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NIOS Sample Questions with Answers English - 302 : Chapter -26A The Reception desk and you - Sr. Secondary Courses

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English - 302 : Chapter -26A The Reception desk and you - Sr. Secondary Courses

Study the following dialogues to decide whether each dialogue is (i) a telephone conversation or face-to-face interaction; and whether (ii) the tone is polite or rude. 

Receptionist (R) : Hindustan Petroleum, Can I help you?
Man (M) : This is Ranjit Malik. Can I speak to Vikram Yadav, please?
Receptionist (R) : Hold the line, please.
R : (off-hand): Yes
M : Good morning my name is Vinod. I am here to see Mr. Vikram Yadav.
R : Who?
M : Mr. Yadav.
R : Oh, he’s busy I think,
M : Could you let him know I’m here, please?
R : Okay.
Operator : Telco
Woman : This is Pillai for Maruti Udyog. I’d like to speak to Mr. Antony.
Operator : Sorry, who is calling?
Woman : My name is Deepa Pillai. P.I.L.L.A.I.
Operator : Hold the line, Ms Pillai, I’ll try to put you through to Mr. Antony… (a pause)….. I’m afraid his line’s engaged.
Woman  : Oh, I’ll call again.
Operator : Do you have his extension number?
Woman  : No, I don’t.
Operator : It’s 250.
Woman : Thank you very much. Good bye.

You may have noticed that there is a difference in the way the receptionist and the visitor speak when they are not face to face. You should also have observed that the receptionist was not very polite in one of the examples.

Ans: A : Telephone conversation (Polite).

B : Face to face (Rude).

C : Telephone conversation (Polite).

Face To Face Communication In Business


Q. 1. Study and practise short exchanges/dialogues given below. Identify whether its relationship is (a) formal or (b) informal.

(i) A : Good morning, Sir!

B : Good morning, Harish! Didn’t see you in office yesterday. Is everything all right?

A : Yes, sir, thank you I had to take leave because a friend had come from Chennai.


Ans: Formal.

(ii) A Good morning, sister. How are you? 

B : I’m fine thank you, doctor,


Ans: formal.

(iii) A Hello, Abdul. How are you?

B : Fine, thanks how’re you? 

A : I’m fine.


Ans: informal.

(iv) A : Good morning, sir

B : Good morning, Ms. Singh. I hope you’re feeling better now. 

A : Much better, thank you.


Ans: formal.

(v) A : Hi, Anju you are just the person I was looking for.

B : Hello, Suresh. Why, what’s up?


Ans: informal.

(vi) A : Good morning, Mr. Pillai, isn’t it a lovely day? 

B: Good morning. Yes, it’s nice and cool.


Ans: formal.

Q. 2. Match the responses to the greetings in the table below: 

Greetings Responses
(i) Hi Rahul Long time no see. (a) I’m very well thank you.
(ii) It’s great to see you again. So, how’s life? (b) Hello Raj. Yes, I’ve been very busy.
(iii) How’re you feeling now? (c) Much better, thank you.
(iv) Hello Mr. Gupta! And how are you keeping these days (d) Not bad.


Greetings Responses
(i) Hi Rahul Long time no see. (b) Hello Raj. Yes, I’ve been very busy.
(ii) It’s great to see you again. So, how’s life? (d) Not bad.
(iii) How’re you feeling now? (c) Much better, thank you.
(iv) Hello Mr. Gupta! And how are you keeping these days (a) I’m very well thank you.

Q. 3. You have gone to see a senior colleague who has been admitted to a hospital. Which expression will you use?

Tick the correct response: 

(i) Good morning. In good shape, are you?

(ii) Good sir, how’re you feeling now? 

(iii) Hi! How’s life?

(iv) Hey! how are you, old boy?

Ans: (ii) Good morning sir, how’re you feeling now?

Q. 4. A new employee greets his Managing Director at a meeting, “Hi! Mr. Sharma! Long time no see. What’s up?” 

The Managing Director is not at all pleased. Why? What should he have said? 

Ans: The managing director is not at all pleased, because this expression is very informal. He should have said, Good morning sir!”


Q. 1. Study and practice the short exchanges/dialogues given below. Identify whether the relationship is (a) very formal (b)formal or (c) informal.

(i) A : Good morning. How do you do? You’re Veena Yadav, aren’t you. I’m Neha Bajaj. 

B : How do you do, Neha. Pleased to meet you.


Ans: formal.

(ii) A : Pardon me, your name is Rahul Sharma, isn’t it? 

B : Yes, it is, And you are ____.

A : Iqbal Judge from the Delhi office.


Ans: formal.

(iii) A : Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce this evening, Bill Gates, the man who has brought in the IT revolution.


Ans: very informal.

(iv) A : Rahul, I’d like you to meet my colleague, Anjali. Rahul-Anjali-Rahul. 

Rahul : Hello, Anjali. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Delhi. Is this your first trip?

Anjali : Thanks, Yes, it is.


Ans: informal.

Q. 2. Complete the dialogue: 

(i) Mukesh : Hey Shyam. Have you met Jim before?

Shyam : ___________.

Jim : How do you do.

Ans: (i) No, please to meet Jim.

(ii) Kiran : Meera, this is Neha. Neha- Meera.

Meera : ____________.

Neha : Fine, thanks. And how are you? 

Ans: How are you Neha?

Q. 3. After a talk you are introduced to the speaker. Which of the following would you say:

(i) Hello, Bill!

(ii) Hi, Mr. Gates!

(iii) How do you do, Mr. Gates. 

(iv) Pleased to meet you, Mr. Gates.

(v) It’s an honour to meet you, Mr. Gates. 

Give reasons why you would reject the other responses?

Ans: (iv) Pleased to meet you Mr. Gates 

(i), (ii) we completely rejected as they are very informal 

(iii) is acceptable and 

(v) is also acceptable if Mr. Gates is a very special person.

Q. 4. When would you say this: 

I have great pleasure to welcome Ms.

Yasmeen Lukmani, President, Lions Club.

(i) to your friend at a party in her house? 

(ii) to a friend at an airport where you have gone to receive Ms Yasmeen. 

(iii) to members of the club at a Lion’s Club meeting.

Ans: (iii) to members of the club at a Lion’s Club meeting.

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