Biology - 314 : L-7. Shoot system - Sr. Secondary Courses | INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.1 1. Name the part of plant which bears nodes, leaves and flowers. Ans. Stem. 2. Lateral branch develops from which bud? Ans. Axillary buds. 3. Why is it difficult to break lateral roots and not lateral branches on stem? Ans. Because lateral roots originate from inner layers (endogenous origin). 4. Roots are negatively phototropic and positively geotropic, what pattern of growth does the stem show? Ans. The stem in positively phototrophic and negatively geotropic. INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.2 1. Name the meristematic zone in which cells divide in all planes. Ans. Corpus. 2. From which meristematic layer does the vascular tissue develops? Ans. Procambium. 3. Which structure give rise to a lateral branch? Name the type of its origin. bud, exogenous. Ans. Axillary. 4. What is the structure known as which covers the apical meristem of root but is absent in stem. Ans. Root cap. INTEXT QUESTION 7.3 1. What are plants with weak stem trailing on the ground known as? Ans. Creeper plants. 2. Name the modification to which Runner, Stolon, Offset and Sucker belong. Ans. Sub-aerial stem. 3. What is a phylloclade with one or two internodes called? Ans. Cladode. 4. ‘Haldi’ and onion belong to which category of stem modification respectively? Ans. (i) Rhizome. (ii) Bulb. 5. Match the items of column A with those of column B:
INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.4 1. Give one primary function of stem. Ans. Conduction of water and minerals from root to leaf. 2. How does sugarcane plant multiply? Ans. By stem cuttings. 3. Match the following in column A with column B:
INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.5 1. Differentiate between conjoint and collateral vascular bundle. Ans. Conjoint: When xylem and phloem are together in one bundle. Collateral: When xylem and phloem are on same radius. 2. What is the region between two vascular bundles in a dicot stem known as? Ans. Medullary ray. 3. Where will you find radially arranged vascular bundles with exarch xylem? Ans. In root. 4. If you want to study the internal structure of a monocot and a dicot stem, name the plants you would select for the study. Ans. (i) Monocot stem-Maize. (ii) Dicot stem-Sunflower. INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.6 1. Name the two lateral meristems which are responsible for increase in girth of stem. Ans. Cork cambium phellogen and vascular cambium. 2. From which region does the interfascicular cambium develop? Ans. Medullary ray parenchyma. 3. Define bark. Ans. The tissue outside functional cork cambium is known as the bark. 4. Why are lenticels, non-suberized? Ans. For gaseous exchange in branches of a plant. 5. The stems of grasses, rice, remain weak and thin, why? Ans. As they need support. 6. Which layers constitute the periderm? What is it’s function? Ans. (i) Phellem, Phellogen, Phelloderm. (ii) Its function is protection. INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.7 1. Which type of wood is formed when the cambium is less active? And. Late of summer wood. 2. How can you determine the age of a tree? Ans. By counting the annual rings. 3. Why is heart wood commercially more valuable? Ans. Durable, resistant to attack of pathogen. 4. Why does a tall tree stand erect even in strong wind and lashing rain? Ans. Presence of abundant mechanical tissue such as sclerenchyma and secondary xylem. 5. Define wood. Ans. The wood is “secondary xylem produced by activity of vascular cambium in dicot stem”. INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.8 1. Define venation. Ans. It is defined as “arrangement of veins and veinlets in lamina of the leaf”. 2. Differentiate between unicostate and multicostate venation. Ans. The unicostate has one strong midrib but while the multicostate has several strong veins. ![]() 3. What is the type of venation found in peepal and palm leaves? Ans. Reticulate venation in peepal; parallel in palm leaves. ![]() Fig. 7.39. Palmately compound leaf and its Types. ![]() Fig. 7.40. Pinnately compound leaves and its Types. 4. Name the structure which arises in the axil of leaf. Ans. Axillary bud. 5. What is the prominent vein called which is present in the middle of lamina and runs from base to apex? Ans. Midrib. INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.9 1. Name the structure to which the leaflets are attached in a compound leaf. Ans. Rachis. 2. What is the structure which helps you differentiate a leaf from a leaflet? Ans. The presence of axillary bud in leaf but not in leaflet. 3. What are the two types of compound leaves known as? Ans. Pinnately and palmately compound leaf. INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.10 1. What is the type of phyllotaxy found in mango, ‘tulsi’ and guava plants? Ans. (i) Alternate. (ii) opposite-decussate. (iii) opposite-superposed. 2. Match the following of column A with that of column B:
3. Give two examples of insectivorous plants. Ans. (i) Pitcher plant. (ii) Bladderwort. 4. Water chestnut shows two different types of leaves on the same plant, what is such a condition known as? Ans. Heterophylly. INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.11 1. How is the mesophyll tissue of dicot leaf different from that of monocot leaf? What is its function? Ans. The mesophyll differentiated into palisade and spongy tissue in dicot leaf but whereas only of spongy tissue in monocot leaf; photosynthesis is the function of mesophyll tissue. 2. Where are stomata located in a grass leaf? Ans. In both surfaces of grass leaf. 3. Name the structure through which plants growing in humid areas get rid of excess of water in liquid form. Ans. Hydathodes. 4. Match the following of column A with that of column B:
INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.12 1. What is the collection of sepals and petals respectively known as? Ans. (i) Collection of sepals Calyx. (ii) Collection of petals = Corolla. 2. Match the following of column A with that of column B:
3. Define placentation. Ans. It is defined as “the manner in which placentae are distributed in the ovary”. 4. Name the type of placentation where ovary is many chambered and ovules are arranged on the central axis. Ans. Axile placentation. INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.13 1. What is a cymose inflorescence? Ans. When the main axis ends in a flower and the growth is limited. 2. Give one difference between Raceme and Spike. Ans. The flowers are stalked in raceme but flowers are sessile in spike in the inflorescence. 3. Define inflorescence. Ans. It refers to “the arrangement of flowers on floral axis.” 4. Name the type of inflorescence found in sunflower and Fig. Ans. Sunflower = Capitulum. Fig. = Hypanthodium. INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.14 1. Define fruit. Ans. The fruit is defined as “a ripened ovary that develops after fertilisation.” 2. Give two examples of false fruits. Ans. (i) Pear. (ii) Apple. 3. What is the fruit wall known as which is formed by the ovary wall? Ans. Pericarp. 4. Give the names of three layers of pericarp of a fleshy fruit. Ans. (i) Epicarp. (ii) mesocarp. and (iii) endo carp. 5. Match the following of column A with that of column B
TERMINAL EXERCISES 1. Differentiate between: (i) Dicot stem and monocot stem. Ans. Differences between Dicot and Monocot Stem:
(ii) Root and stem. Ans. Difference Between Root and Stem:
(iii) Racemose and cymose inflorescence. Ans. Differences Between Racemose Inflorescence and Cymose Inflorescence:
(iv) Stomata and hydathode. Ans. Distinction Between Stomata and Hydathodes:
(v) True fruit and false fruit. Ans. Differences Between True Fruit False Fruit:
(vi) Dicot and monocot leaf. Ans. Difference between the Internal Structure of Dicot and Monocot Leaves:
2. Explain the different types of underground modified stem. Ans. Underground Stems: They are of four main types: (i) Rhizome. (ii) Corm. (iii) Bulb. (iv) Tuber. (i) Rhizome: It grows horizontally. It is flattened and fleshy stem. It bears nodes, scale leaves and the roots. Example: Ginger (adrak). (ii) Corm: It grows vertically. It is thick, stout, fleshy and spherical at its base. It stands erect in the ground. Example: Colocasia. (iii) Tuber: It is the tip of an underground stem. It has nodes. Adventitious roots are absent. Example: potato. (iv) Bulb: The stem is reduced. It is diec like (discord). It has terminal bud. Its fleshy leaves are eaten, e.g. Onion, garlic. 3. Explain the process of secondary growth in dicot stem. Ans. The process of Secondary growth in a Dicot Stem: In a dicot plant stem cambium is located between phloem and xylem (open V.B.). This cambium is known as fascicular cambium or intrafascicular cambium. This cambium is interconnected by the formation of meristem from the parenchyma cells between the vascular bundles. This meristem is known as interfascicular cambium. The intrafascicular cambium and interfascicular cambium differentiate into phloem towards the outside of the axis and xylem towards the inside. Thus patches of secondary phloem and secondary xylem are formed each year, which results the secondary growth or increase is girth of the stem. ![]() Fig. 7.41. T.S. of old stem (a Portion enlarged). 4. Draw and label the vertical section of dicot leaf. Ans. See Fig. 7.42. ![]() Fig. 7.42. V.S. of Dicot Leaf. 5. Define the following: (a) Flower. Ans. Flower: It is known as a modified shoot. It is meant for reproduction. It has thala-mus which bears four whorls of floral leaves. (b) Actinomorphic. Ans. Actinomorphic: When a flower can be cut into two identical halves by any plane of radii. (c) Heterophylly. Ans. Heterophylly: It refers to “to the pheno-menon of occurrence of two kinds of leaves in plants, e.g. Ranunculus.” (d) Phyllotaxy. Ans. Phyllotaxy: It is “the arrangement of leaves on the stem or a branch. It may be alter-nate/opposite or whorled.” (e) Hypogynous. Ans. Hypogynous: Example: Gulmohar. The ovary is superior. Ovary is located above the other three whorls of the flower. The thalamus is convex and ovary lies at the top of flower. (f) Parthenocarpic fruit. Ans. Parthenocarpic fruit: It is developed without fertilisation that is parthenogenetically e.g. banana is a seedless fruit. (g) Venation. Ans. Venation: It refers “to the arrangement of veins in a leaf”. 6. What is cork cambium? State its functions. Ans. Cork cambium. It is also called as Phellogen. It arises later as lateral meristem in dicot stem and root from the cells or cortex or periderm. Functions of Cork Cambium. Cork cambium cuts of cells or both the outer and inner side. On inner side it gives rise to secondary cortex or phelloderm while on outer side it produces cork or phellem. Phellem, phelloderm and phellogen together constitute the periderm which is a protective layer. 7. Draw labelled diagrams of the following: (a) Raceme and corymb inflorescence. Ans. See Fig: ![]() (b) Axile and parietal placentation. Ans. See Fig: ![]() 8. What is a fruit? Enlist the various types of simple-fleshy fruits giving one example of each type. Ans. Fruit: The ripened ovary after the fertilisation is called fruit. Simple Fleshy Fruits: The succulent of fleshy fruits, which are eatable in general term are called edible fruits. Types of Edible fruits: Following are th types of edible fruits: 1. Drupe: In this fruit, the pericarp (fruit wall) is differentiated into an epicarp (outer), a mesocarp (middle fleshy or fibrous) and an inner endocarp (stony, hard). Mesocarp is edible in these fruits. Example: mango, peach, coconut (fibrous also). ![]() Fig. 7.46. A. Drupe (Mango), B. Berry (Tomato). C. Pepo (Cucumber), D. Hesperidium (Orange). 2. Berry or Beca: The pericarp is juicy and fleshy in these fruits. The epicarp is distinct. The mesocarp and endocarp make the pulp of the fruits. The seeds are scattered in the pulp. Example: Tomato, banana, brinjal. 3. Pepo: This fruit resembles the berry but it develops from polycarpellary, syncarpous ovary having parietal placentation. Bulky mass is edible in these fruits. Example: water melon, cucumber. 4. Hesperidium: This fruit also resembles the berry but it is developed from a polycarpellary syncarpous ovary having axil placentation. The epicarp remains in the form of outer skin, mesocarp in white threads, endocarp makes the membranous partitions of each labeurele. The edible parts are juicy placental having originating from endocarp. Example: Orange lemon. 5. Pome: It is false fruit, developed from thalamus or the receptacle, it is developed from multicarpellary syncarpous and inferior ovary. The edible parts is the juicy thalamus. Example: Apple, pear. Q. 9. What are the edible parts of the following fruits (a) Mango (c) Apple (e) Coconut (b) Orange (d) Banana (f) Cashewnut? Ans. Fruits and their Edible Parts:
10. Match the following of column A with that of column B.
11. Name the type of modification of an underground, non-green structure bear-ing nodes and internodes and ‘eyes’. Ans. It is tuber of potato. 12. If a section of stem shows scatte-red vascular bundles which are closed, have ‘Y’ shaped xylem and are surrounded by bundle sheath; what group of plant is it? Ans. It is a monocot stem. 13. What is the region outside the phellogen known as? Ans. Cork or phellem. 14. When the cambium is less active which type of wood does it produce? Ans. Cambium is less active in summer and the wood formed is called late wood. It is dark in colour. |
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